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기사보기Reading Mondaytimes

전체 신문 보기 - 먼데이타임스

위클리먼데이 40호 입니다.

(한국여권의 위상 / SuperM 전세계 강타 / Movie Review: The Room)



Abiy, Ethiopian Prime Minister, receives 2019 Nobel Peace Prize (노벨평화상)

"SuperM hits the world" (Kpop)

 South Korea in the Henley Passport Index ranks second place with Germany (한국 여권)



A memorable business trip to Bangkok (방콕)

A German amusement park shut down rides with a Nazi pattern (독일 놀이공원 나치 패턴)

Google Earth helps solve decades-old cold case in Florida (구글어스)



Japan is criticized for smuggling elephant ivory (코끼리 상아)

The world’s fastest land animal, the cheetah, is becoming extinct (치타 멸종위기)

Could Greenland be the 51st state in the U.S.? (그린란드)



"What if there is a room which makes your wishes come true?" (Room 영화 리뷰)

A Renaissance masterpiece is found in the kitchen of a French house (르네상스 명작)

"Son Heung-min breaks Cha's record" (손흥민, 축구, 스포츠)


*참고사항: 광고내역 제외본*

