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전체 신문 보기 - 먼데이타임스

위클리먼데이 72호 (2021년 12월 27일)


1면 인공태양, 미 토네이도 강타, 에어 앰블란스 (air ambulance)

Artificial sun KSTAR maintains 100 million degrees for 30 seconds

A company pays air ambulance cost for its employess

More than 30 tornadoes hit six central states of the U.S.


2면 이용일 세종국제관계대사 인터뷰

“Find a genre or profession you’d like to devote yourselves to and a mentor to guide you”

Rhee Yong-il, Ambassador for International Relations of Sejong City


3면 한국 GDP 일본 넘다, 국영수교사 사대생만 가능, 다자녀 금융지원 강화

South Korea’s nominal GDP per capita to surpass Japan’s in 2027

Korea’s financial aid for family with children to be reinforced

Acquisition of teacher qualifications become more difficult


4면 치매환자 후각상실된다, 나홍업 연구원인터뷰, 첫 인공홍체 개발

Why do dementia patients lose their sense of smell?

First artificial cornea to be developed in Korea

Na Hong-yeob, researcher at Dupont Korea Technology Center


5면 은곡 고인돌, 신안 자주섬 등 UN관광지 지정돼, 권지연(솔비) 국제아트상 수상, 

통영 굴껍질 재활용된다

Two Korean villages selected as UN’s best tourism villages

Tongyeong oyster shell problems to be solved


Kwon Ji-an wins big at the FIABCN with Just a Cake-Piece of Hope


6면 아인슈타인(Einstein) 상대성이론 경매, 남극대륙에서 피라미드 발견, 

화성 Curiosity호 사진 보내와, 일본 Mako공주 미국에서 평민생활시작

Einstein’s manuscript on theory of relativity sells for 15.5 billion

Curiosity sends panoramas from Mars

Discovery of pyramids in Antarctica causes various hypotheses

Commoner Mako starts her life in US


7면 신부 이태석 (Father Lee Tae-seok) 서평, 베이징동계올림픽 외교 보이콧, 

촉법소년법 (강지원 선일여고)

Father Lee Tae-seok, the official biography of Lee Tae-seok
What do you think about juvenile law?
Diplomatic boycotts of Beijing Winter Olympics increase


