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전체 신문 보기 - 먼데이타임스

위클리먼데이 28호 입니다



Two leaders of Korea commited to the era of No-War (남북관계)

BTS gave a touching speech at the U.N. General Assembly (BTS 연설)



First Korean Aviation School was established in 1920 in the U.S. for independence (독립을 위한 최초의 한국항공학교)

A young man’s sacrifice saved people from the earthquake in Indonesia (인도네시아 지진 영웅)

How should the dilemma over Yemenis’ asylum seekers be settled? (제주도 예멘 난민)

Full transcription of RM’s UN speech (RM 연설문)



Mr. Kim Hee Oog, Ceo of NAKED DENMARK in Copenhagen Denmark (Kim Hee Oog 사장 인터뷰)

Dam collapse in Laos left hundreds of flood victims (라오스 댐 붕괴)



My exchange study in Thailand: “To be mai pen rai” (교환학생 수기)

The 8th Park Kyung-ri Literary Award given to Richard Ford (박경리 문학상)


*참고사항: 광고내역 제외본*

