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기사보기Reading Mondaytimes

전체 신문 보기 - 먼데이타임스

위클리먼데이 29호 입니다



Court ruled Japanese steelmaker should compensate wartime forced laborers (일본 식민 역사 관련 재판)

Huge immigrants head toward the US border to escape from hardships (미국 국경 이민자)



Microplastics dominate 90 percent of our table salts (소금의 미세 플라스틱)

Sky lantern caused Goyang oil tank fire, but a Sri Lankan suspect released (고양시 기름 탱크 화재)

Insects have been disappearing on Earth! Humans? (곤충 생태계 위협)



We hope to win the gold medal and sing Arirang together once again in 2020 Tokyo Olympics (도쿄올림픽 남북 단일팀)



Super humans could lead human beings to extinction (스티븐 호킹의 책)

Amazon shut down AI program because of male-biased employment program (아마존 AI의 차별 문제)

Seven Buddhist mountain temples became Korea’s 13th World Heritage Site (한국의 절 세계문화유산 등재)


*참고사항: 광고내역 제외본*

