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전체 신문 보기 - 먼데이타임스

위클리먼데이 66호 (2021년 8월 30일) 


1면 홍범도장군 귀환 / 텔레반 아프칸 점령 / 한시준 독립기념관장 인터뷰

General Hong Bum-do’s remains return home after 78 years

“Another independence is needed”

Taliban re-governs Afghanistan


2면 한시준 독립기념관장 인터뷰

“Knowing more widely and deeply about our history is to overcome history distortion”

Han See-jun, President of the Independence Hall of Korea


3면 1952년 평범한 일상 Schulessinger 사진 전시 전쟁박물관 / BTS 한국어 세계화 / 농촌이 사라지고 있다 / 말라리아원충활용 백신개발

1952, Quite Ordinary Days: Schulessinger gives us a message

BTS makes Korean a world language

Rural areas are full of empty houses

Vaccine made of live malaria protozoa shows positive effects


4면 이주여성 유리천정 꺠다 / K드라마 세계유명 클래식에 활용되다 / 인도네시아 반한 감정

Migrant women are breaking the glass ceiling

World classical musicians releases a K-drama music album

Anti-Korean sentiment is surging in Indonesia


5면 칸느 영화제에 한국 영화계 활약 / BTS UN민간사절 활약 예정 / 전원일기 MZ세계에게 인기

Cannes sees the heightened status of Korean films

BTS to be present at the 75th UN General Assembly

Why does MZ generation fall into the drama 40 years ago?


6면 캘로포니아 가뭄심각 오로빌댐 Lake Oroville Dam Plant 중단 / 중국 먼지 바람심각 Huge dust storm in China / 카터대통령 인기 Jimmy Carter Former UN President / 

California’s worst drought shuts 54-year-old hydroelectric plant

Huge dust storm covers a city in China

How did Jimmy Carter become a “more brilliant president after retirement”?


7면 동주 시인 Dong Ju The Portrait of the Poet 영화리뷰 / 도쿄올림픽 한국 도핑기술 활약 / 태권도 올림픽의 꿈

DongJu, The Portrait of the Poet: The pen is mightier than the sword

Tokyo needs Korea’s anti-doping technology

Taekwondo, a dream sport for any country to win a medal

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