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전체 신문 보기 - 먼데이타임스

위클리먼데이 61호 (2021년 6월 14일) 


1면 P4G회담 / 정부지원 낭비 / IOC 페어플레이하라

P4G Seoul Summit is held to tackle climate change (환경)

Wasted tax money: Is the government doing a favor?

IOC, do fair play according to a sporting spirit (런던올림픽, 스포츠)


2면 Lee Mahbub (방글라데시 연합회장 및 영화제작자) 인터뷰 / 백두산 호랑이 민간인 공격

“We are different, but we should co-exist or live together as humans”
 - Interview with Lee Mahbub, CEO of M&M International

Mount Baekdu tiger attacks farmers in a village


3면 의성군 청년의 꿈 이루다 / 한국의 카툰 일본 인정 / 천안 대학촌

Uiseong-gun’s Good Neighbor Project attracts attention

Korean webtoons acknowledged in Japan and the world

Cheonan dreams to build Korean Ivy League university town


4면 자산어보 영화리뷰 / 김광현 메이져리거 성공적 / 칠곡할매글꼴

Jasaneobo: a monochrome movie about people’s life in Joseon Dynasty

Kim shows the amazing record in MLB (스포츠)

Grandmothers’ hand-writings become new fonts!


*참고사항: 광고내역 제외본*

