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전체 신문 보기 - 먼데이타임스

위클리먼데이 55호 (2021년 3월 15일)

(인터뷰 구수한 이사장 이태석재단 / 전태일편지 평택고 김현서 / Movie Review: 어린의뢰인 My First Client)



Distortion of history and culture provokes anger in Korea (역사 왜곡)

“Another great news is expected to come from the U.S.” (봉준호, 영화)

South Korea is selected as the most innovative country (한국 혁신 국가)



“Father Lee’s spirit of sacrifice made me participate in establishing Lee Tae Seok Foundation” (이태석 재단)
 - Interview with Soo-hwan Goo, Chairperson of Lee Tae Seok Foundation

Dementia villages are developed to provide normal life to patients (치매 마을)



A letter to Jeon Tae-il, “the flame of an era” (전태일 편지)

Tokyo Olympics is once again in a fog (도쿄올림픽, 스포츠)

Jeong-in, a 16-month-old girl was abused to death by her adoptive parents (입양 아이 학대)



The movie My First Client deals with the controversial issue of child abuse (어린의뢰인 영화 리뷰)

Seoul National University uses applicants’ school grades in regular admission system (서울대 입시)

Jack & Jill 네컷 만화


*참고사항: 광고내역 제외본*



